On February 11, 2014 Representatives Gary Peters (D-Mich.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) announced the “Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act of 2014 (H.R. 4056). It is legislation that may lead to significant use of remanufactured and aftermarket parts in the large fleet of U.S. government vehicles.
H.R. 4056 will help increase a positive perception of aftermarket remanufactured parts. Although many fleet managers know that aftermarket parts can be trusted, this will help local and state officials appreciate the value and savings by using remanufactured parts. There are also environmental benefits with their usage.
Government Confirmation
In a 2011 report by the Government Accountability Office it was confirmed that remanufactured and aftermarket parts are less expensive and are reliable. The U.S. Postal Service relies on them to reduce their own repair costs. The average age of one of the more than 200,000 postal service vehicles is 16.3 years. This completely demonstrates how safe and dependable these parts are.
Status of H.R. 4056
As of August 2014, this bill is still in committee. Although it does have 10 other co-sponsors from states such as Rhode Island, Ohio, Texas, and Florida, it does need industry support to move it out of committee into the House for a vote. Members of the aftermarket part industry need to call their representative to encourage them to co-sponsor the bill. If you do not know your representative, you can find the right individual with contact information at house.gov.
H.R. 4056 has been years in the making to promote the value and quality of remanufactured and aftermarket parts, as well as the sustainability benefits. Many studies have been done to validate their use. If the Government sees the utility of aftermarket parts to maintain their vehicles’ dependability, it will help the industry in many ways. Help raise awareness and gain support to get this bill get out of committee.