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Tracking Your Repairs

Posted by Admin on 8/19/2014 to Main

If your business has a fleet of vehicles, you probably already keep well-documented lists of repairs and maintenance for each one. If you haven’t considered a maintenance review of your entire fleet, it may be time to look at the overall usage and repair history to see where upgrades may be needed. If you need similar repairs in many of your vehicles, it may show a pattern that can be identified as driver abuse or poor maintenance.

Use Software to Analyze Performance

You know how your vehicles are primarily used and which systems break down. If one vehicle repeatedly has issues and others do not, you should check the driver’s standards. Computer software to help you track repairs and maintenance is available. Even a small company with 2 or 3 vehicles that are used frequently could benefit by using this type of program. Not only does it record and track your fleet, it will analyze the data to help your operation be more cost-effective.

Tracking your fleet is good return-on-investment. Seeing the patterns of usage and repairs gives you the opportunity to prevent future problems. You’ll be able to schedule maintenance before problems happen. Keeping your fleet in prime operating condition with regular service prevents employee downtime.

Keep Repair Costs Down

One way to keep your repair costs down is to use quality aftermarket truck parts. Many aftermarket parts are produced to meet different types of usage requirements. If the analysis of the data shows that you have a part that regularly needs to be replaced on many different vehicles, you should check into different manufacturers to meet your performance needs.

Make your vehicles last longer and have higher performance when you track your repairs. When you’re shopping for aftermarket parts, shop with a reputable business that handles multiple manufacturers so that you have a wide selection of parts. Ask questions to get the best solution for your company’s needs.