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Save Money On Aftermarket Parts - DIY

Posted by Admin on 2/25/2014 to Main
For most people, having repair work done on their cars means taking it to the local mechanic and asking him to work his “magic!” Usually, this process begins with strange noises or smells emanating from under the hood, something feeling not quite right, or the car refusing to start all together. Confused owners may go as far as to pop the hood and stare blankly into the abyss called an engine, but more often than not, the frustration is passed on to the magic man as quickly as possible.

Aftermarket Truck Parts Are an American Tradition

Posted by Admin on 2/18/2014 to Main
Whether you have an old, rusty pile of metal and gears; a solid, heavy-duty hauling machine; or a shimmering new picture-perfect ride, one thing all truck owners will agree on is that they love their trucks! However, there are as many different reasons for loving trucks as there are people who drive them!

Tips for Choosing the Right Aftermarket Truck Parts

Posted by Admin on 2/11/2014 to Main
Nowadays, it seems everyone is trying to save money everywhere and on everything—but can you save money on truck parts and accessories and still be safe? There are many things to consider when choosing between aftermarket parts and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts. For instance, did you know that replacing some OEM parts with aftermarket equivalents could result in your car’s warranty being voided? However, some aftermarket parts are far less expensive and last just as long.

Aftermarket Truck and Auto Parts—For Play!

Posted by Admin on 2/5/2014 to Main
A billion different aftermarket truck and auto parts exist to rectify at least as many potential problems or to increase the performance of your vehicles. Nowadays, if you can dream it, chances are someone has invented a part that will make it happen! However, people do not buy trucks just to watch them sit in parking lots at work all week or for the five minutes of rapture they enjoy on the drive home each day—people buy trucks so they can live!
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